Medca Health Care, provide Post-surgery care is an important part of the healing process. We aim to provide the best support during this time. Our nurses work round the clock. post-operative wound care is dominated by conventional dressings, typically comprising a non-woven with an acrylic adhesive and an absorbing pad’

The purpose of a dressing is to, absorb any leakage from the wound ,provide ideal conditions for healing, protect the area until the wound is healed ,prevent stitches catching on clothing. Stitches are also known as sutures. Adhesive dressings (glue), Steristrips or tapes may also be used.

Appropriate surgical wound and incision management in the post-operative time period is imperative to prevent complications, including surgical site infection and wound dehiscence. The tenets of modern wound management are applicable to primarily closed incisions, as well as to subacute and chronic wounds.

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